About Us
Respirer Living Sciences

We are one of India’s leading climate-tech startups, focused on achieving cleaner air and accelerating the transition to cleaner energy. Through a network of scientifically validated and easy-to-scale ‘Air Quality Monitoring Devices and Real-time Air Pollution Analytics Platforms’ we provide accurate and actionable data to governments, industries and citizens to take control of their air pollution and methane emissions.


Our Journey

Respirer was formally incorporated in April 2017. However, our work in the air quality domain using sensors and climate data began in early 2015. The first batch of 50 air quality sensors were deployed in Delhi in 2016. Around the same time, Delhi’s high air pollution levels made global headlines. So, when the Delhi government launched its odd-even policy with the stated objective of lowering air pollution, our monitors were deployed across the national capital.
So, what began with a few devices in the city of Delhi, today has evolved into a network of over 2500 air quality devices in more than 25 Indian cities and in parts of Sweden, UK, Oman, South Africa, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
We are an industry technology partner to the Government of India supported Centre of Excellence ATMAN on Clean Air Technologies proposed and established in October 2022 at IIT Kanpur by the Principal Scientific Advisor, is a part of the National Knowledge Network and has worked with esteemed organisations on several projects, including a 3-year Federal Government supported Indo-US scientific project led by IIT Kanpur & Duke University to develop technology for the Rs. 1350 Crore Particulate Matter (PM) monitoring market in India.
A wide range of stakeholders, including government pollution regulators, aerosol scientists, industrial emissions monitors, sustainability researchers, and communities & citizens, use and rely on our air quality monitoring solutions. With our commitment to providing accurate and reliable air quality data, we strive to make a positive impact on the health and well-being of people and the environment.
